Every Child should be treated as a diamond, they deserve it for they only in their hands can the fate of the world be placed ... Every child deserves an Education, its their right ... Support a child.

The 1796 publication of Thomas Spence 's Rights of Infants is among the earliest English-language assertions of the rights of children. Throughout the 20th century children's rights activists organized for homeless children's rights and public education . The 1927 publication of The Child's Right to Respect by Janusz Korczak strengthened the literature surrounding the field, and today dozens of international organizations are working around the world to promote children's rights. In the UK the formation of a community of educationalists, teachers, youth justice workers, politicians and cultural contributors called the New Ideals in Education Conferences (1914–37) stood for the value of 'liberating the child' and helped to define the 'good' primary school in England til the 80s. Their conferences inspired the UNESCO organisation, the New Education Fellowship. A.S.Neill's book, 'A Dominie's Log' (1915), as a diary of a headteacher changing his school to one based on the liberation and happiness of the child can be seen to be a cultural product that celebrates the heroes of this movement.
The opposition to children's rights far outdates any current trend in society, with recorded statements against the rights of children dating to the 13th century and earlier. Opponents to children's rights believe that young people need to be protected from the adultcentric world, including the decisions and responsibilities of that world.  In a dominantly adult society, childhood is idealized as a time of innocence, a time free of responsibility and conflict, and a time dominated by play.  The majority of opposition stems from concerns related to
national sovereignty, states' rights , the parent-child relationship. Financial constraints and the "undercurrent of traditional values in opposition to children's rights" are cited, as well as The concept of children's rights has received little attention in the United States.
