Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee,and before that camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.(JER 1:5 kjv).
This was God's first statement to prophet Jeremiah, but reading through the verse over and over again, I realised God wasn't just speaking to Jeremiah, but every single soul on earth, for He has known us all before He formed us in the bellies of our mothers and assigned us each as a prophet in our separate line of work, and He espects us to make the move of a prophet, see beyond what others fail to see, beyond the ordinary people, take bold step beyond that of an ordinary person. He knows you will see those life challenges as a wall stopping you from moving and getting to your potentials, No wonder He is telling you "say not, I am a child: for thou shall go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shall speak, be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee" (JER 1: 7-8). He is the Author and the write of your life, so God knows you can, and you will. So, it's left to you to take that bold step. The Author and writer of life has given a possession to you, He has written some certain greatness for you, and all you just have to do is to act the script, and be the hero and heroine you were created to be. Remember "All things were made by Him, and without was not any thing made that was made, In Him was life and the life was the light of Men". (John 1:3-4) so fear not for God has set the location and the stage for you already, and it's beautiful, for light shineth upon it and that is yours to step into so as to be seen and recorgnized.
  We shall speak more on the "Author and Writer of Life" tomorrow so as to get a better View of the greatness He has written for us. Please share this word on with a soul if it has been of an impact to you. Be the prophet you are written to be.
