#1. You, Life and The Tomb

What makes life so worth living is the reality of death in it(life). Death in life, life after death. There is death here on earth and everything that lives will surely die according to the scientists, for that the major characteristic of life.
Today, I write not to tell you about death here on earth for I believe every reasonable being should know its appointed to Man to die, even though we have heard of so many people who have gone round the world searching for a way to live forever, well I hope they find that which is not lost. I write these beautiful morning to tell you how important what men say at your tomb stone is, for there is a life after death. I quote the great teacher in the scripture St. John 11: 25-26 "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life:he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believeth thou this? Here the preacher is informing the woman whom He addresses about a life after death, a life of no pain and no sorrow, and know that He never or wasn't enforcing her(Martha) to believe Him, for at the end of His conversation, He asked her "do you believe this I say unto you?". Know here that I ain't confusing you nor preaching faith to you, its your choice to make, I'm only making use of the Historical figure of the great teacher some 2000yrs ago .
I am only in my own little knowledge telling you a little about life. Do you know men never forget whatever you do in life no matter how long it has been, even though you think they have. The day one die, then will you see how memories work in line with nature, for on that day, all your good deeds and evil deeds shall be brought back. So, you choose that which you want men to say at your tomb stone, is it good or evil memories you want your name to be remembered for? Make this life a better place, so you can live forever for I believe in an everlasting life after the life here on earth .
